Accessible Business Travel Report 2022—Key Findings
Accessible Business Travel Report 2022—Key Findings
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According to surveys, there are many more business travelers with accessibility requirements than travel managers realize. But accessibility has not been an area of focus for most business travel programs.
To find out more about this large group of business professionals and how travel programs can be improved, Accessio conducted surveys with the help of Deem and other business travel-related companies. In the report, you’ll learn:
- How “accessibility” is defined by travel managers and travelers
- Why there’s a gap in awareness
- Facts about travelers with accessibility requirements
- Recommendations for improving travel programs for this cohort
According to surveys, there are many more business travelers with accessibility requirements than travel managers realize. But accessibility has not been an area of focus for most business travel programs.
To find out more about this large group of business professionals and how travel programs can be improved, Accessio conducted surveys with the help of Deem and other business travel-related companies. In the report, you’ll learn:
- How “accessibility” is defined by travel managers and travelers
- Why there’s a gap in awareness
- Facts about travelers with accessibility requirements
- Recommendations for improving travel programs for this cohort
Accessible Business Travel Report 2022—Key Findings
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