Keys to Optimize Travel Procurement
Keys to Optimize Travel Procurement
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Corporate travel services and supplier markets are rapidly evolving in 2022. And that makes travel buying one of the most challenging areas for procurement professionals to manage effectively. But there are ways to overcome these concerns and plan for future success.
In our graphics-based white paper, you’ll learn these strategies, including:
- Investing in supplier data management
- Integrating sustainability and sourcing metrics
- Improving cost control
Corporate travel services and supplier markets are rapidly evolving in 2022. And that makes travel buying one of the most challenging areas for procurement professionals to manage effectively. But there are ways to overcome these concerns and plan for future success.
In our graphics-based white paper, you’ll learn these strategies, including:
- Investing in supplier data management
- Integrating sustainability and sourcing metrics
- Improving cost control
How Travel Procurement Pros Can Stay Ahead of the Latest Changes
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